Hello everyone!
Please be advised that we have added the schedules for the U10 and U13 Girls and Boys divisions as well as the field locations for games in Petrolia.
Hello everyone!
Please be advised that we have added the schedules for the U10 and U13 Girls and Boys divisions as well as the field locations for games in Petrolia.
To our Soccer Family,
We want to thank you all for your continued support and understanding as we push forward towards our 2022 season. We are very excited to be back in action as we are sure our players are too.
We are trying to make this season a hit. We do have some concerns that may affect our season. We appreciate your understanding. Going forward there has been a decline in Refs province wide so we may be short at games we will need coaches and parents to step up to help if needed.
Dates/Times: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday’s nights starting at 7:00pm-8:00pm
Dates/Times: Tuesday nights starting at 6:15pm-7:00pm
Schedules for the age groups will be posted shortly,
We do wait for Petrolia to post our schedule for u10 boys and girls and u13 boys and girls. As soon as we receive it,We will post it
In the next few days, we will be working very hard to ensure we are able to start next week May 9th. Some of our supplies may still be in transportation but we would still like to see everyone out on your start date ready to kick a ball around to meet the coach and team players. As uniforms and supplies arrive, we will get them to you as quickly as we can.
This week our volunteer convenors will be reaching out to our parents to help recruit some volunteer coaches for our teams.
Please continue to monitor the website up until the start night of your player to stay informed of any new information regarding the 2022 soccer season.
As well, please navigate the website for field locations and to keep informed on the inclement weather policy.
Thank You
Corunna Soccer
We hope our Corunna Soccer families are getting very excited for another season of outdoor soccer!
This is a quick update for everyone.
-Coaches should be emailing shortly if not already.
-Our season will be starting the week of May 9
-The play/field schedule will be posted shortly
If you have any additional questions, please contact your convener.
Dear Corunna Soccer Families,
Please be aware that the final registration date for the 2022 outdoor soccer season has been moved to Tuesday, March 22, 2022 @11:59pm.
We encourage you to make use of this extension and get your soccer players registered for a summer of soccer fun!
Cost remains at $140 per player.
For further inquiries, please email csregistration@corunnasoccer.com
We are excited to offer another season of outdoor soccer!
Registration is now open and will close on March 15, 2022.
Please click HERE to register.
We do not have a definitive schedule yet. We are anticipating having a tentative schedule posted by March 1.
For any questions or concerns, please email csregistration@corunnasoccer.com
Hello Corunna Soccer Families!
We have some exciting details to share about the upcoming 2022 outdoor season!
-We are aiming to have registration open by the first week of February. When it is fully open, we will post on Facebook and our website (corunnasoccer.com)
-Registration deadline will be March 15, 2022
-Cost will be $140 per player
-Schedule will be determined at a later date. We are hoping to return to pre-pandemic age brackets (U5, U8, U10, U13) but this will be dependent on the number of registrations we receive-A tentative schedule could be posted as early as March 1
We look forward to another exciting season of Corunna Soccer!
Hello Corunna Soccer Community,
To all our participants, “Thank You” for a great season. We hope you all enjoyed your 2021 soccer season .
We would like to thank our volunteers, referees, club members, sponsors, parents and players for a memorable soccer season . Without all of your support, on the field or behind the scenes, it would not have been as successful as a season as it was.
We look forward to our next outdoor season in 2022. At this time, we do not believe it’s possible to host our indoor league over the winter season but we would like to try again next year as we know it’s of great value to our players!
If anyone is interested in volunteering with the organization, please reach out to csregistration@corunnasoccer.com for more information.
Have a great rest of the year and we will see you next year on the field.
Thank you,
Corunna Soccer Club
To Our Corunna Community,
We are excited to be days away from a long-awaited season to start to play and feel a bit more normal.
We are all looking forward to sharing this experience in a positive way. There are a few things that are not going to be 100% perfect post pandemic. We hope you continue with your patience, flexibility and support as we start up and push for a very successful fun season.
We require a lot of volunteers to make this program successful and I have been doing this a long time here in Corunna. I have had many roles and multiple ones at the same time over the past 15 plus years with the Corunna soccer club. I can assure you that without the volunteers, like my committee now and all their hard work, all of this would not be possible.
We, as a committee, are:
I would like to give them a big ‘Thank You’ shout out to Corunna Soccer Club Committee.
To give you some background, these committee members have many roles and have families of their own. In most cases, their own kids have passed through the years as players in our club and exited after divisions were no longer available for their age. Even though the committee members do not have active youth in the program, they continue to volunteer to ensure the youth of today have somewhere to play. This commitment keeps our soccer club running.
We do multiple roles at one time whether it’s being a convener, acquiring coaches’ equipment, maintenance of equipment, deliveries, coordinate schedules, recruit other coaches etc.. the list goes on.
We understand everyone has busy lives and work schedules however we do need volunteers to help. We always look to our community for support. Please get in touch if you are interested in helping out.
We will also be running low on Referees/leads this year as a post pandemic has not allowed for regular certification. Our Leaders this year will be volunteering and multi-tasking. I remind you all that these community youth are just that, members of our community and need to be treated respectfully. If we do not have a referee for scheduled game, we ask that you help support and direct the game as needed. We will do our best to keep our convenors informed as best as possible when a game will go without a support lead.
Thank you
President of Corunna Soccer and the Hard-Working Committee
To our Soccer Family,
We hope everyone is staying cool with this heat wave. We want to thank you all for your continued support and understanding as we push forward towards our 2021 season. We are very excited to be back in action as we are sure our players are too.
Due to the challenges that presented themselves with COVID and registration numbers being on the decline this year, we’ve had to completely reorganize the age groups. We feel that this was the best alternative to keeping our players and games local to Corunna.
The revised structure is as follows:
U6 Division (Boys and Girls) – Birth years 2015-2017
Dates/Times: Tuesday nights starting at 6:15-7:00pm
Location: Large fields at CAP (Corunna athletic Park) Colborne St Entrance
U9 Division – Birth years 2012-2014
Dates/Times: Monday and Wednesday nights starting at 7:00pm-8:00pm
Location: Girl’s at CAP (Corunna athletic park) at Queens St entrance, Boy’s at Parkdale Park Corunna
U13 Division COED – Birth years 2008-2011
Dates/Times: Tuesday and Thursday nights starting at 7:00pm-8:00pm
Location: Parkdale Park Corunna
Schedules for the age groups will be posted later this week game nights will be starting July 12th through August 31
In the next few days, we will be working very hard to ensure we are able to start next week (July 12). Some of our supplies may still be in transportation but we would still like to see everyone out on your start date ready to kick a ball around meet the coach and team players. As uniforms and supplies arrive, we will get them to you as quickly as we can.
This week our volunteer convenors will be reaching out to our parents to help recruit some volunteer coaches for our teams.
Please continue to monitor the website up until the start night of your player to stay informed of any new information regarding the 2021 soccer season.
As well, please navigate the website for field locations and to keep informed on the inclement weather policy.
Thank You
Corunna Soccer
To Our Soccer Community,
We appreciate your on-going patience and understanding.
Ontario Soccer has allowed us the go ahead as we head into Phase 2.
However, we are awaiting on the approval of Lambton Public Health. In the meantime, we are proceeding with organizing our start to play.
Our tentative start date will be the week of July 12th. We will keep you posted!
Thank you
Corunna Soccer